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What is job or career coaching?

Job or career coaching 

Jobs or careers are among the most important resources we can use to establish and maintain independence and provide for ourselves. Since many adults spend most of our waking hours working, how we choose that work-life weighs heavily on our health and satisfaction. If we’re intentional, we can identify and pursue work that energizes us while meeting our needs. If we’re not careful, we can end up in depleting situations that do more harm than good. Becoming intentional and strategic about our work decisions requires a good amount of self-awareness to address job-fit and environment-fit. A good fit at work contributes to your overall well-being, productivity, and satisfaction. If you have an ill fit it may contribute to toxic stress levels, counterproductive behavior, and general dissatisfaction. Pursuing job and career goals in line with who we are is the secret to fostering engagement and peak performance.

Through job or career coaching, we help clients explore personal traits like personality, strengths, skills, needs, values, and goals; determine what matters to them in their work-life and identify the types of jobs and workplaces that could fit for them. 

What you will learn through job or career coaching

Many of our job or career coaching clients seek our services for help with job or career direction, improving fit, motivation, engagement, or performance, work-life balance, and reducing toxic stress or burnout. Through job or career coaching we tap into the self- and situational-awareness necessary to find clarity and direction and improve work-life experiences. We work to develop the self-management, professional skills, and positive coping methods necessary to optimize our client’s work life. Through this process, work can become a positive outlet to meet psychological needs for learning, growth, meaning, purpose, engagement, competence, confidence, and self-actualization; and social needs for relatedness, belonging, connection, respect, and social support while addressing financial needs. That’s the trifecta!

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